Mineral Based Micro Concrete for Structural Repair

Nov 27, 2021

Micro concrete is a cement-based grout for structural repairs. It is a specialized high strength non-shrink, free-flow concrete. It is durable and can be applied easily poured into surfaces internally and externally of the structure. It is used for strengthening, retrofitting & repairing of structural and non-structural elements of building columns, beam jacketing, slab & bridge repairing. It’s ease of use and the bonding properties, the material became the product of choice to effectively repair cracked or aging concrete structures. It is manufactured to fulfil the requirements of structural repairs such as low shrinkage properties, flowable concrete, workability, hardening properties, quick strength & minimal curing.

Different advantages of micro concrete

  • Requires no compaction
  • Low permeability
  • Bonds well to almost any surface
  • Chloride free
  • High Bonding Strength
  • Non- shrink
  • Minimal or no curing requirement.
  • Low air and water permeability.

MC- Bauchemie range of Mineral Based Micro Concrete for Structural Repair adheres to these added advantages and adds even more. Emcekrete Type A and Emcekrete Type A6 are ready to use Hydraulically setting Polymer Modified micro concrete for use in repair systems. The products are non-shrink high-strength, free-flow, micro concrete which can be used for repairs, especially when thicker overhead repairs are desired. They can be poured into the erected formwork and bonds thoroughly to the existing surfaces on account of its polymer Content.

Emcekrete Type A and Emcekrete Type A6 are specially formulated to meet the requirements described above, owing to the selection of particularly suitable polymer binders and chosen aggregates. It guarantees a permanent reliable connection and bond between the old substrate and new material. The product distinguishes itself particularly by the properties like good pourability and flowability despite a very small amount of water added and high initial and final strengths. The material of the products possesses excellent bonding strength, which prevents debonding from concrete and wall faces. It is non-shrink and has high dimensional stability. The change of volume and shape after loading is negligible.

Emcekrete Type A Applications

  • Repair of honeycombed concrete
  • Repair of spalled concrete
  • Repair of damaged structures
  • Mortar for precast connections
  • Repair of prefabricated units
  • Bearing / Foundation pads
  • Grouting

Emcekrete Type A6 Applications

  • Micro-Concreting of rigid joints e.g. between precast elements and in-situ concrete
  • Micro-Concreting During Repair of Concrete Beam, Columns, and all kinds of concrete supports, bridges etc.
  • Micro Concreting of Steel constructions, fastening bolts and steel elements in concrete

MC- Bauchemie India offers specifiers, planning engineers, clients and applicators time-saving, cost-efficient and reliable solutions specially formulated to meet the requirements described above, owing to the selection of particularly suitable polymer binders and chosen aggregates.for structural repair.

To explore their full range of systems, visit our website: www.mc-bauchemie.in or call at +91 22 2757 0803 and benefit from their expertise!

Mineral Based Micro Concrete for Structural Repair
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